FREE Upcoming Intensive Trainings
Earn up to 11.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™

If you were unable to attend our recent training in Rochester, join us at one of these additional upcoming locations.
Sunday-Monday, June 2-3
Embassy Suites, 86 E Congress St, Saratoga Springs, NY
Sunday-Monday, June 23-24
Lotte New York Palace Hotel, 455 Madison Avenue at 50th Street, New York, NY
The training makes your practice better equipped to manage mild-to-moderate mental health concerns in children and youth.
- Sessions on ADHD, anxiety, aggression, depression, trauma, and more
- Simulation exercises that help you navigate real-world assessment and treatment decisions
- Q&A panels so you can ask questions, get direct feedback from faculty, and find solutions to clinical barriers
- A focus on how to incorporate new strategies into your clinical practice
- A dedicated module on reimbursement best practices
This training is presented by Project TEACH, a project funded by the New York State Office of Mental Health.