


Health Information Technology Support

Through Health Information Technology Support, one of our four priority areas, WNY R-AHEC supports initiatives to improve healthcare delivery in rural and underserved areas. Eligible healthcare providers, primarily rural, are offered opportunities through various funding sources which subsidize network connections and broadband equipment as well as telemedicine software and equipment to provide better access to healthcare. Our ultimate goal is to provide equitable healthcare across the WNY region, by improving access to experienced, specialty physicians and critical life-saving treatments, and enhancing the overall healthcare quality in the rural communities of Western New York.

Past programs included:

USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine grants, and New York HEAL Phase 1 HIT and BEACON initiatives that provided practice transformation funding to support implementing Meaningful Use of electronic medical records (EMR) and patient-centered medical homes.

Current programs include:

The Healthcare Connect Fund and Connected Care programs funded by the Federal Communications Commission and administered by the Rural Broadband Healthcare Program