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eLearning Activity Development Vendors – Frequently Asked Questions

For those companies submitting questions to WNY R-AHEC’s Request For Proposal for eLearning Activity Development. We have added a new FAQ section to help with proposal development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Is the timeline for completion of activities/games flexible?

The due date for the first set of completed activities/games can be extended 2 weeks up to 7/15/19. The second set of completed activities/games can also be extend 2 weeks up to 8/15/19. Any remaining activities/games must be completed by 8/31/19. 

Can you clarify the statement that the learning activities need to be compatible across any browser?

Supported browsers should include: Chrome 72 and 73, Firefox 65 and 66. Internet Explorer 11, Edge 42 and 44, Safari 11 and 12.

Supported Mobile Browsers should include: Safari, Chrome, Firefox

What is the target audience?

The target audience is healthcare workers or students (over the age of 18).  While we anticipate that many of the participant will be at the beginning of their healthcare careers, some may be experience healthcare workers in a wide variety of roles (RNs, LPS, Social Workers, Patient Advocates, Community Outreach Workers, etc.) and setting (hospitals, nursing homes, doctor’s office, individual homes, etc.).

Will you need voice over narration services?

It is possible that we may utilize voice over services in some of the activities.  Information on this service should be included in your proposal.

What types of activities/games are you looking for and how long should they be?

We plan on incorporating a variety of activities/games into the training modules depending on which activity/game is more conducive to the content in each module.  Proposals should include information and pricing on the development of various types of activities/games involving:  recall/memorization, judgement, cause-and-effect, strategy, and exploration.

The activities/games should vary in length.  We anticipate that less complex activities/games will be between 5-10 minutes while more complex one will be 15-20 minutes but no longer than 30 minutes. 

Do you have specific graphics or themes that need to be used in the activities/games?

We do not have any graphics that are required to be in the activities/games, however, we would like most of the graphics to include life-like characters and settings (hospitals, doctor’s office, an individuals home, a community environment, etc.).

When addressing reusability of the activities/games, who do you want to be able to edit the content?

R-AHEC would like to have the ability to modify the content in the activities/games that are developed so that they may be used in other modules.

Do the activities/games need to be 508c compliant?

Yes, the activities/games need to be 508c AA compliant.

What level of tracking or back-end data do you need to collect?

For reporting purposes, we must be able to prove that students have successfully completed an activity/game.  Success will be measured differently depending on the type of activity/game.  It would be beneficial to be able to extract that data through the Canvas reporting system.

Will more than one vendor be chosen?

We reserve the right to choose 1 or more vendors based on our project’s requirements, budgetary constraints, and vendors’ capabilities to fulfill our desired project specifications.

** Due to our CEO being out of the office an official announcement of the vendor(s) chosen will take place on Monday, April 22nd, 2019



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